. Super Bowl Prop Bets

Super Bowl Prop Bets


The Super Bowl brings out the football fan in just about anyone, even those who don’t normally follow the NFL. It does the same for football betting, as the NFL championship is the largest single-day event for sportsbooks every year.

Part of that reason is the massive menu of betting options, many of which are unique Super Bowl prop bets. There are hundreds of game-time and non-game props available, and they offer a betting experience unlike any other in the world of sports. This short guide explains Super Bowl prop betting in Arizona to help you make the most of your experience.

Live Super Bowl Prop Odds

See below for current Super Bowl prop odds. Search for any team and player to see their full prop menu. Click on any odds to go right to the sportsbook and bet.

Best Super Bowl Prop Betting Sites in Arizona

Nearly every online sportsbook in Arizona has a huge selection of prop bets for the Super Bowl. No matter where you’ve signed up, you’ll be able to get in on the action. But which sportsbooks are the best for props? Our favorites are DraftKings AZ, BetMGM AZ and FanDuel AZ. Below, see what we like and what we don’t like about each.

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How to bet on Super Bowl props in Arizona

Signing up at a sportsbook to bet on the Super Bowl is an easy process that doesn’t take much time at all. You can also sign up at multiple sportsbooks to shop around for the best odds for any bet you want to place.

You can find reviews on this site for the various Arizona sportsbooks that you can sign up with. Once you find a sportsbook you like, you can create an account by providing some basic personal information and accepting the terms and conditions. From there, you can make a deposit and start betting.

Once the odds start coming out, the Super Bowl almost always has its own page at online sportsbooks. You can also find it by navigating to the NFL section.

You should use only legal and regulated Arizona online sportsbooks. There are illegal sites that may try to tempt you with online promotions or unusual bets, but any site not regulated by the state of Arizona could potentially lead to problems with your funds or personal details. If that were to happen, you likely would have no legal recourse since there is no US-based agency overseeing the activities of these sportsbooks.

Legal sportsbooks must be licensed by the state of Arizona, which will investigate any reported problems or breaches in security. If you do have a problem with a legal sportsbook, you can find assistance through the regulating agency.

What are the best Super Bowl prop bets?

Sports betting, like just about anything in life, is a matter of taste and opinion. What one bettor might like may be completely undesirable to another, and vice versa.

Many Super Bowl props aim to pique the interest of any level of bettor. That’s why there are even some non-football options, so you don’t even have to understand the game to get in on the action.

Still, there also are some popular prop bets that seem to have near-universal appeal, as well as being some of our favorites. We’ve outlined a few of these novel and fun Super Bowl prop bets below:

The coin toss

At the beginning of every NFL game, there is a coin toss to determine possession of the football. In most games, you’ll never see this occur during a broadcast, but at the Super Bowl, it is part of the annual celebration.

You can wager on if the coin will come up heads or tails. One recent Super Bowl had this line:

  • Heads (-103)
  • Tails (-103)

Since flipping a two-sided item as evenly balanced as a coin is as close to a 50/50 probability as you’re likely to get, the odds for both outcomes are the same in this example. If you wagered $103 on either one of the outcomes and you were right, then the payout would be $203, which would be your $100 profit along with the return of your initial wager.


At the end of the game, it’s pretty common for the players on the winning team to drench the head coach in Gatorade. Sportsbooks almost always have a prop bet on the color of Gatorade for the celebration. The catch? It has to appear on television or the bets are void.

You may see odds that look like this:

  • Purple (+110)
  • Red (+300)
  • Yellow/green (+400)
  • Orange (+400)
  • Clear/water (+800)
  • None (+900)
  • Blue (+900)

What you can tell by these odds is that the sportsbooks expect blue Gatorade — which is, essentially, gross — to be the least likely option. And they see purple as the most likely option.

For every $100 you wagered on any of the above choices, you would profit the amount of the listed odds if you turned out to be correct. So, if you bet $100 on yellow and you were right, you’d get a payout of $500. That’s your $100 initial bet and the $400 in profits from the +400 odds.

Player and team prop bets

Another popular form of betting is player props. These are popular year-round, but when it comes to betting on the Super Bowl, they definitely increase in interest. These have a wide range of what you will see, but some examples would be which player scores the first touchdown, who will win the Super Bowl MVP award, how many touchdown passes a quarterback will throw and more.

You can also make bets on aspects of the game, like what kind of play will be the first offensive play of the game — pass or run — or what kind of play will lead to the first touchdown.

  • Even more: You’ll find a large selection of player and prop bets for the Super Bowl at all of the most reputable and popular online sportsbooks. Don’t be shy about browsing through them, and shopping around for the best odds. In addition to the above options, you also may be able to bet on whether there will be a defensive touchdown, a “big man” touchdown (touchdown by an offensive tackle or defensive tackle) and so much more. From the downright silly to the incredibly serious, you’ll find a range of Super Bowl prop bets in Arizona.

Difference between player props and team props

Player props and team props have a lot of similar elements, but the names of the props themselves define the difference. Player props focus on an individual, while a team prop focuses on an aspect of how the entire squad performs.

The market will offer a nice variety for each kind of prop. You’ll see bets like how many touchdowns a team will score in the second half of a game, for instance. Super Bowl player props are dependent on how a single individual manages to perform. Sometimes those will focus on a quarter or a half or the entire game. You might see bets for the number of rushing yards by a specific running back, the total number of touchdowns a player might score, or over/under bets on stats for particular players.

At the top of the list for player and team props is definitely the Super Bowl MVP. It gets the most attention, especially when the field of potential winners is wide due to impact players on the field. However, history points to a quarterback as being the most likely recipient, as quarterbacks have won the award in well over half of the Super Bowls so far.

Sometimes, though, it’s the long shot who wins. In Super Bowl LIII, Julian Edelman was a +3000 selection at many sportsbooks. When he won the MVP, there were some extremely happy bettors who had taken that risk and seen it pay off in a big way.

Offensive and defensive Super Bowl prop betting

You’re not limited to just offense or defense when choosing which prop bets to wager on, either. Both sides of the football — and also special teams — have prop bets available.

The most popular defensive props include player and team props on interceptions, tackling and if there will be a pick six or a scoop-and-score. On the offensive side of the game, you’ll see options like over/under on total yards rushing or passing for players, which player will put the first points on the board, how many touchdowns in a quarter or half and more.

There is value in many of the offensive and defensive prop bets, but they require your time and focus through research and plenty of homework. The more you educate yourself on both teams, the wider the variety of prop bets you’ll feel comfortable making wagers on.

Super Bowl crossover props

Even with the popularity of Super Bowl betting, sportsbooks have consistently attempted to find ways to attract more bets. Somewhere along the way, they invented crossover props.

These wagers tie a prop from the Super Bowl to a prop from another sport. They range in variety, and have drawn a lot of interest from bettors who aren’t normally deep diving into NFL wagers.

Here are a few examples of potential crossover bets. What you’ll find will vary by the sportsbooks you are using:

  • What will be higher on Super Bowl Sunday: Arizona State college basketball points or combined score of both Super Bowl teams?
  • What number will be higher on Super Bowl Sunday: Giannis Antetokounmpo’s points scored or James Conner’s rushing yards?
  • Which will be higher on Super Bowl Sunday: Aaron Rodgers’ passing yards plus Justin Thomas’ final round score or Justin Herbert’s plus Collin Morikawa’s final round scores?

There will be a variety of such options at various sportsbooks, and you can shop around to find your favorites before placing any bets.

Are certain Super Bowl prop bets better than others?

It’s hard to determine what each bettor would consider “better” in terms of bet preference, but there are definitely prop bets that are easier to research and have information about than others. Smart betting requires homework, and guesswork should really stay out of the equation as much as possible.

For instance, “exotic prop bets” can be difficult to research. Take the color of Gatorade as an example. Others, such as player or team bets, are more straightforward and, thus, easier to do research on and have solid information in order to make an informed wager.

It’s your money you’re putting on the line with each bet you make, so you need to ask yourself what prop bets are better for you, your betting strategy and your bankroll.

Super Bowl prop betting at home

With an event as big as the Super Bowl, parties and other gatherings are part of the fun. Friends and family get together for far more than the game, enjoying one another’s company and watching the commercials and more.

Such events offer a nice opportunity for at-home prop bets and party games. Such games include Super Bowl squares, various drinking games and even Super Bowl commercial bingo.

If you’re interested in setting up a props pool for your party, it’s pretty easy to do. Create a sheet of prop bets, copy it and hand it out for your guests to fill out. You can use a variety of props, and your imagination is really the only limit. We’ve put together a few examples:

  • Yes or no: There will be a pick six in the game.
  • Yes or no: Budweiser’s first commercial will feature horses.
  • Yes or no: The coin flip will be heads.
  • Yes or no: “The Star-Spangled Banner” will last longer than 1:45.
  • Yes or no: There will be a field goal attempt that hits the upright and bounces in for the score.

As the answers to the props arrive, you can start scoring the sheets. The person who has the most correct answers wins. These can be for money, for other prizes or just for fun. However you decide to do it, make sure you have fun with it and keep your party lively and enjoyable for all.